Bodies #6
Keep it light
Say you wanted a better life. Say that you imagined a future that did not involve harm. Say that the dream was a world in which people were not hated or killed because of the kind of body they inhabited. Maybe Freud was right and there is that instinctive, atavistic desire to generate borders between them and us. Yet the dream of the free body will never go away. There is a buzz in the air. It’s everywhere. Can you feel it?
Join us in Tuscany to celebrate the body in our upcoming International 6 Day Yoga & La Dolce Vita, May 29 – June 3 near Florence at the Locanda Casanuova, Yeah, we are doing it again.
There will be intensive Yoga classes in the morning and slow Yin Yoga classes in the evening, lots of breathwork, meditation and silent walks through the organic vineyards. We will also have small workshops for back and joint health as well as fascia training and discuss some of the questions of yoga theory. Thrive on twice daily yoga, a one-on-one special 30 minutes adjustment workshop and an evening lecture on yoga philosophy.
In Between – Liberty Hall. There is a generous amount of free time each day to rest, sleep, jump into the garden pond, read in the shade, ride a bike or take a trip to Florence to visit David (and, ahem, the Prada Outlet).
Maybe this it the right time for you to join us. There are only a few places left.
To register email us at For room options at the Locanda email lovely Barbara at

- July 24-29 you find us at Susanne Kaufmann SPA im Bregenzer Wald ,
- September 21-24 at the Radiance Retreat on the Island of Rügen,
- October 15-21 for the first time we cooperate with brand new and very cool Swimstories for a week of swimming and yoga exclusively at CasaWald on Mallorca,
- December 7-10 we are back at the cosy Kornspeicher on the island of Rügen for a long weekend of “Relieve Back Pain & Restore“
…and for a New Years Retreat we are going to Hotel Mondschein in Bozen.
Booking and registration information you find here. As always we are excited if you write to us to say Hi or for further inquiries at
Ciao, Kristin
Don’t forget your bathing costume for the lovely pond at the Locanda. And a book. So you can tell me all about it:-)

WAIT FOR IT. I am obsessed with this small lemon pudding (above) from the exquisite kitchen of the Locanda, that lets you live like Monica Vitti. And this (below) is a hip opener, which will strengthen your hamstrings and release neck pain. Its also fun.